Explore the art of living well in your second half
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"In Limine": Crossing the threshold of retirement

Who are we beyond work? Ready or not, retirement invites us to explore and redefine identity, passion, and purpose. How will you shape this chapter?

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"In Limine": Crossing the threshold of retirement

Who are we beyond work? Ready or not, retirement invites us to explore and redefine identity, passion, and purpose. How will you shape this chapter?
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"In Limine": Crossing the threshold of retirement

Who are we beyond work? Ready or not, retirement invites us to explore and redefine identity, passion, and purpose. How will you shape this chapter?
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"In Limine": Crossing the threshold of retirement

Who are we beyond work? Ready or not, retirement invites us to explore and redefine identity, passion, and purpose. How will you shape this chapter?

"In Limine": Crossing the threshold of retirement

Who are we beyond work? Ready or not, retirement invites us to explore and redefine identity, passion, and purpose. How will you shape this chapter?

I recall walking the halls of my junior high school and seeing a mural on one of the walls that read In Limine, Latin for On the Threshold. I remember thinking, “I don't even know what that means! Why would we be on the threshold?” Now, years later, I understand the intent; the administration believed that during those early days of our youth, we were making a significant move, through a door, from one thing into something new. 

Working as a university program coordinator and sessional professor, I connect with hundreds of students. I often find myself sharing with them that they are on a meaningful threshold as they make choices about their careers and significant relationships, discovering who they truly are apart from their family roles and parental influences.

Even as I navigate my forties, I consider the second half of life to be a season full of “limines” or threshold moments. Retirement is one of the main threshold moments where we get to step out of what a career has told us we are to be, and step into what we are choosing to be. For many of us, our employment gives us a sense of identity and purpose, a structure for our days and years, a circle of people with whom we interact on a daily basis. But as we cross into the world of retirement, all of that shifts, the structure dissolves and suddenly there is much more choice in  how we move through each day, where we invest our energies, and with whom we choose to engage. For some, this freedom is exhilarating; for others, this sudden freedom and choice can feel overwhelming, even terrifying.

Whether you’re years into retirement, eyeing it from a distance or standing right in the doorway, consider the following questions and invitations, designed to help you explore and give shape to your own rich and meaningful experience of retirement: 

1. What have you always wanted to do, but just never had the time? 

Throughout your working life, were there activities you always wished you could pursue but never had time for? Were there hobbies, passions, activities, creative pursuits or projects you put off - big or small? Now is the time for them to take centre stage. Not sure where to start? It can be helpful to make a list of all of the things you wish you had time to do, and see what excites you once you have more margin to pursue them.

Were there hobbies, passions, activities, creative pursuits or projects you put off - big or small? Now is the time for them to take centre stage.

I sometimes think about this invitation when I head into Christmas break or summer holidays. Having some ideas of things that I’ve wished I had more time to do already jotted down helps me seize the moment and dive right into something I enjoy. For me, it looks like completing the photo album over Christmas break that I've been meaning to do all year. Or during summer holidays, it's intentionally scheduling walks with dear friends that I don't normally get to see in the busyness of the working day. Perhaps in the longer evenings of summer, it's offering hospitality to families when our schedules slow down and there's more margin.

For you, as you consider retirement, it may be spending time with grandchildren or other dear loved ones, using that fishing rod that's been sitting in your garage for years, or maybe it's signing up for that pottery or dance class that you've had your eye on for a while. Be intentional about the ways you invest this half of your life.

2. What brought you joy in your work? 

What energized you as you went through your workdays? What gave you a sense of purpose and meaning in your career? Is there a way you can incorporate more of those things in your life in retirement? As you take stock of what lit your fire in your worklife, you may see themes arise that help you chart the course for your retirement years. 

As you take stock of what lit your fire in your worklife, you may see themes arise that help you chart the course for your retirement years.

For me, one of the main joys I have in my work is to see people grow and develop, watching their progress over time. During a final session with a client when they’ve reached their goals, or as university students walk across the stage at graduation, I find immense satisfaction in seeing how my journeying alongside others helps them to fulfil their potential. 

When I think of my own retirement, I hope  to continue being part of others’ growth and transformation. Whether it's mentoring young adults, being on a board to offer wisdom or perspective, or even investing in the lives of my children or grandchildren, finding ways to invest in the things that bring joy and meaning to my life even beyond my working years.

3. How do you want your days to look and feel?

I’ve heard it said that some people age ten years in the first year that they retire. Yikes! Part of this, I believe, is because when we remove the main source of structure and purpose from our days without intentionally setting our sights on something new, we flounder, struggling to find a sense of  direction and meaning.

What new rhythms would you like to incorporate into your retirement? How might you structure your days so there is a meaningful beginning, middle and end?

What new rhythms would you like to incorporate into your retirement? How might you structure your days so there is a meaningful beginning, middle and end? This is an especially valuable consideration if you’re someone who craves structure. Developing a schedule or rhythm can be helpful in creating a new structure to guide you through your new season. You can always tweak it as you go.   So, how do you want to start, spend, and end your days? What will help you get up with purpose, vim, and vigour each day?

I remember in the first days of Covid feeling (among other things) a sense of incredible freedom — there was, suddenly, no structure in the day — and I had this momentary inkling that I would be so productive. Ha! I think the thing that saved me was my own children; they needed help completing school work, getting outside, and burning energy. Their demands helped me to create a meaningful routine – in part to keep them from driving me crazy. If it had been up to me, I may have spent the days in bed reading books and drinking tea. 

I think the same holds true for retirement. While a few weeks in bed reading and drinking tea doesn’t sound too shabby, there is something about giving your days structure that keeps you from collapsing into lethargy.

4. What kind of person would you like to become in your retirement? 

It's often said that we become like the people with whom we spend our time. Our employment often gives us a circle of people with whom we interact on a daily basis. Retirement opens up, expands, and broadens our options for engagement with others.

What new identity do you hope to form in retirement? Do you want to become a marathon runner? Go spend some time connecting with other runners!

What new identity do you hope to form in retirement? Do you want to become a marathon runner? Go spend some time connecting with other runners! Are you hoping to become a sage business mentor? Consider joining a professionals’ breakfast club and think about ways you can invest your knowledge to help new business leaders. Are you interested in deepening your own spirituality? Then perhaps you would like to lead a group and pour your wisdom into those young in their faith journey. 

Retirement is an incredible opportunity to walk across the threshold into new possibilities. I invite you to consider who you want to become, how you want to invest yourself and your time, and what meaningful ways you’ll live out your retirement years. “In Limine” can be a wonderful invitation. Why not step through that door with intention and care?


This article is part of
Issue 3, Jan-Feb 2024, Change.
See the full issue

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