Fractional is the new full-time: Flexibility is the new currency

Rethinking your 9-5? Fractional work can be a game-changer for those looking for more freedom and flexibility. Chris Ho explores the benefits and the trade-offs.

Fractional is the new full-time: Flexibility is the new currency

Rethinking your 9-5? Fractional work can be a game-changer for those looking for more freedom and flexibility. Chris Ho explores the benefits and the trade-offs.

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Fractional is the new full-time: Flexibility is the new currency

Rethinking your 9-5? Fractional work can be a game-changer for those looking for more freedom and flexibility. Chris Ho explores the benefits and the trade-offs.

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Fractional is the new full-time: Flexibility is the new currency

Rethinking your 9-5? Fractional work can be a game-changer for those looking for more freedom and flexibility. Chris Ho explores the benefits and the trade-offs.

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Fractional is the new full-time: Flexibility is the new currency

Rethinking your 9-5? Fractional work can be a game-changer for those looking for more freedom and flexibility. Chris Ho explores the benefits and the trade-offs.

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Imagine a role that allows you to balance work and personal life effortlessly - and if not effortlessly, then definitely less effortfully. Over the past 15 years of my career, I’ve watched employment trends shift and morph, reflecting the ever-changing needs and desires of the workforce. Today, a significant change is afoot, especially for those of us in the second half of our careers. The traditional full-time job, with its rigid schedules and relentless demands, is fast becoming a relic of the past. Welcome to the age of fractional work, where flexibility is not just a perk but the new gold standard.

Midlife: The great reassessment

Midlife presents us with an opportunity to hit pause and take stock. After years of climbing corporate ladders and chasing elusive promotions, many of us start craving something deeper. We want fulfillment without the grind of a 9-to-5 routine. We want more say in determining our schedule so we can spend more time doing the things we love. Fractional roles can check those boxes and feel like a breath of fresh air. They allow you to invest your time and skills across multiple projects or roles.

The value of flexibility

Flexibility has long been a career buzzword. But it's become the cornerstone of today's job market. For those of us in midlife, this translates to balancing professional ambitions with personal passions and family time. It could look like enjoying that midday round of golf, or attending your kid’s soccer game at 3 PM on a Tuesday without a trace of guilt. That’s the magic of fractional work.

Flexibility has long been a career buzzword. But it's become the cornerstone of today's job market.

Midlife professionals are gravitating toward a fractional work model because it’s all about autonomy. You pick the projects that excite you, you collaborate with diverse teams, and you still have room to breathe and live your life. It’s about creating a work-life harmony that keeps you motivated and satisfied. For midlife pros, flexibility can mean pursuing varied interests, spending time with family, caring for aging parents, and staying healthy.

Why organizations love it too

It’s not just professionals who are thrilled about fractional roles—companies are getting on board too. A team that’s happy with their work-life balance has lower stress and higher job satisfaction, which means they stick around and work hard. According to the Harvard Business Review, companies offering flexible work see a 55% increase in productivity and a 50% reduction in employee turnover. The International Workplace Group found that 80% of employees feel flexible working improves their work-life balance, and 85% of businesses see productivity gains from it.

According to the Harvard Business Review, companies offering flexible work see a 55% increase in productivity and a 50% reduction in employee turnover.

With fractional work, companies can also get top-notch talent without the hefty price tag of full-time salaries and benefits. This setup is a boon for startups and small businesses that need expert advice but can’t afford full-time executives.

Think about a tech startup that needs a CFO but lacks the budget for a full-time role. They can hire a fractional CFO who brings all the expertise, works a few days a week, and delivers the strategic insight they need. Win-win.

Weighing the costs and benefits of the gig economy

The rise of the gig economy has paved the way for fractional roles. More professionals are finding this model aligns better with their lifestyle and aspirations. McKinsey reports that 20-30% of the working-age population in the United States and the European Union are engaged in some form of independent contract-based work, and the trend is growing.

Along with the many benefits of contract and fractional work, there are also trade-offs. While offering flexibility, freedom and variety, they don’t typically offer health and dental benefits, retirement contributions, paid vacation or income security. Any or all of those may feel particularly important in midlife. It’s also up to you to build and nurture a portfolio of projects and relationships instead of relying on a single employer and steady income. That can be a huge benefit for some while presenting a tremendous stressor for others. For anyone, it requires a strategic approach and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.

With more employers moving in this direction, it’s important to consider what you want, need and value. What would the ideal balance look like for you between independence and stability? Consider all these factors as you consider whether fractional work is the right path for your future.

Making the transition

Thinking about transitioning to fractional work? Start by evaluating your skills and passions. What excites you? Where can you make a difference? Networking is key—use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and projects. And remember, setting boundaries is crucial if you want to create a schedule that really works for you. Clear guidelines about your availability will help maintain that precious work-life balance.

Redefining success

The shift to fractional roles signals a broader change in how we view work and success, particularly for those in midlife. Flexibility is the new currency, and it’s time to embrace it. Fractional work offers a chance to stay professionally vibrant while enjoying a fuller, more balanced life.

Fractional work offers a chance to stay professionally vibrant while enjoying a fuller, more balanced life.

Adam Grant nails it when he says, “The best way to predict the future of work is to invent it.” Fractional work lets us do exactly that. The traditional 9-to-5, with its rigid structure, no longer fits the evolving needs of modern professionals, especially those in their midlife phase. This period, often marked by a desire for more meaningful and balanced living, aligns well with the principles of fractional work. By choosing fractional roles, professionals can redefine success—not by the hours clocked in a single job, but by the impact made across multiple ventures. This new work paradigm not only allows for professional growth but also personal fulfillment, paving the way for a richer, more diversified life experience.


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