Often with the start of a new year, we make this list of goals, or resolutions we hope to achieve in the year. We see this a lot in the wellness space. People hoping to clean up their nutrition, move their bodies, or eliminate some of their so-called bad habits. More often than not, these hopeful ideas are forgotten after a few weeks and we are back to our same patterns.
Health is not a short sprint, it is a long journey. It’s not about a single day, but the collection of weeks, months and seasons.
I hope to inspire you to make changes that truly are lifestyle ones; that don’t require you to diet, or force yourself to do an activity you dread. Health is not a short sprint, it is a long journey. It’s not about a single day, but the collection of weeks, months and seasons.
We are all allowed to eat the pizza (and the ice cream). Yup, I said it. It’s about how often, and what our lifestyle looks like as a whole. When we get rid of the fads and the restrictions, and we come to a place of acceptance, changing our mental attitude toward ourselves, we come out ahead. Sometimes we complicate things far too much, when the basics are the best place to start. So let’s dive into some actionable ideas.
1. Fruits and vegetables.
You can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables. Include something with each meal or snack. I often say, I really don’t care what it is — you get to decide. They can be raw, cooked, steamed, stir fried, sauteed, really anything goes. I would say aim for a variety of colours (you may have heard people say to eat the rainbow). Often what happens is we get into food cycles and we have the same items on repeat. Our goal is 30 different plant species in a week. This might seem like a lot, but when you look at the variety that’s out there, it is actually much easier than you think to get them in over a week.
Still not sure? Here are examples to help when you’re stuck in a rut.
- Herbs: basil, cilantro, parsley, oregano, rosemary, mint
- Microgreens: check out the variety of microgreens grown.
- Leafy greens: kale, chard, spinach, arugula, romaine, mixed greens, rapini
- Fruits: variety of berries, pears, apples, citrus, bananas, the list goes on
- Cruciferous vegies: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts
- Carby veggies: squash, carrots, beets, potatoes
2. Drinks
People often get a lot of sugar from beverages like pop, juice, an abundance of coffee or tea, and alcohol. I don’t think there are any issues with a cup of coffee in the morning (I know how beloved this drink is!). But after that, focus on water, and if water can be boring to you, consider herbal teas. There are so many to choose from, you can flavour with fresh lemon, or a spoonful of honey. Herbal teas have medicinal properties that are great for your nervous system, digestion, and mood.
Herbal Teas to Consider: chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint, ginger, turmeric, oat straw, nettle and green tea
I try to remind people to approach activities and movement with gratitude—not as obligations, but as blessings. What if we moved our bodies with appreciation for the simple fact that we can?
3. Movement
Anything goes. I would just encourage you to move your body. Research shows those who are more active are healthier as they age. I try to remind people to approach activities and movement with gratitude—not as obligations, but as blessings. What if we moved our bodies with appreciation for the simple fact that we can? It can be playing a sport (and I will add, you are never too young to start — just look at the pickle ball craze!) Go for a walk. Instead of circling a parking lot to find the closest spot, park in the farthest and get some steps in. Take the stairs. Do a 10 minute yoga flow on your living room floor. Hit a workout class if that’s your thing. Thank your body daily, and move it. You will reap the benefits for years to come.
Really try to put that phone away 1 hour (2 would be amazing!) before bed.
4. Sleep
It can get harder to get quality sleep as we get older. The days are filled with so many obligations, that often when the evening comes we want to relax in other ways, and we end up going to bed later than we hoped. Our body needs rest, and it’s during sleep that our cells detoxify and cleanse. Our energy levels can be connected to quality sleep, so to really feel our best in the day, we need to let our body rest at night.
A few sleep tips that might help you get better quality rest:
- Magnesium before bed: this mineral is very helpful at supporting our nervous system
- Chamomile tea: most think of this tea as a sleepy tea, while it does help you sleep it does so by relaxing your nervous system and calming your mind.
- Read a book. I do love a paper book. We are on screens so much in the day — even our reading is on devices — and all that light from the devices can have negative effects on our sleep. Oh the doom scroll. Really try to put that phone away 1 hour (2 would be amazing!) before bed.
- Breathwork: We do so much for other people through the day. Give yourself 5 minutes before bed to slow down, focus on your own breath, and give a little gratitude for all you did.
**just a reminder to speak with your health care provider before beginning any new health care plan.
Our body has an array of hormones that all interact with each other. What helps them to function at their best is creating a rhythm to our day.
5. Lifestyle Ideas
Get into a rhythm: Our body has an array of hormones that all interact with each other. What helps them to function at their best is creating a rhythm to our day. This means we wake up and go to bed at the same time, and try to have consistent meal patterns. If you think of a young child, they do very well when they know what to expect in their day. Somehow as we get older, we break away from this foundation, and it often leaves us not feeling our best.
Light: Try to get out in morning light, no sunglasses, so we can get that direct light onto our pineal gland, which controls our hormone melatonin. In order to have a restful sleep at night, we need to be exposed to morning light. The morning light also supports your cortisol production for the day, which provides you with an abundance of energy.
Dark: Sleep in a dark room: Melatonin is made in dark spaces, and many of us live in cities with street lights. Invest in some blackout curtains so you can really support your hormonal health. When we sleep in a bright room at night, that hormone will not get produced, which can affect our sleep in the short term, and cellular health in the long term.
Be gentle with yourself, and remember step by step is how we become our most vital, energetic and healthiest self.
While there are many aspects to health and well-being, small changes can have big effects. I always encourage people: Pick a few things that resonate with you and start with those. It takes a minimum of 21 days for new habits to be formed. Be gentle with yourself, and remember step by step is how we become our most vital, energetic and healthiest self.