Short Q&A with Evangeline Lilly

Lilly shares what she’s been reading, watching and listening to lately. Find out which song she’d choose for a dance contest, and more.

Photo of Evangeline with her first tattoo, June 2024, from Instagram
Photo of Evangeline with her first tattoo, June 2024, from Instagram

Short Q&A with Evangeline Lilly

Lilly shares what she’s been reading, watching and listening to lately. Find out which song she’d choose for a dance contest, and more.

min. read

Short Q&A with Evangeline Lilly

Lilly shares what she’s been reading, watching and listening to lately. Find out which song she’d choose for a dance contest, and more.

Photo of Evangeline with her first tattoo, June 2024, from Instagram
Excerpt from

Short Q&A with Evangeline Lilly

Lilly shares what she’s been reading, watching and listening to lately. Find out which song she’d choose for a dance contest, and more.

min. read
Photo of Evangeline with her first tattoo, June 2024, from Instagram
Excerpt from

Short Q&A with Evangeline Lilly

Lilly shares what she’s been reading, watching and listening to lately. Find out which song she’d choose for a dance contest, and more.

min. read

What are you listening to right now? 

I've been revisiting artists I used to listen to a lot. 

I was listening to Radiohead OK Computer the other day and, god, it just never lets you down (pun intended). 

I went through a big Sleeping at Last binge for about six months in 2023. 

I’m obsessed with Patrick Watson – the song Here Comes the River, on his newest album, is anthemic for life right now, with everything going on in the world. That song is on repeat a lot these days. 

And I've actually just discovered Dean Lewis. It’s very out of character for me because it's all very mushy romantic music and normally I don't really listen to mushy romantic music, but he's very good. Almost every song I've ever heard of his, I think, This is a great song

What are you watching? 

I just finished watching the third season of Ted Lasso with my 13 year old son, which was fantastic because he and I struggle to find anything we like together. When we finished that, we watched the six part Apple series that follows Messi to the World Cup victory. That was another great one to watch with him. I generally don't have time for TV or movies, so I do it as a bonding thing with my son. 

What are you reading? 

I just finished reading A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Tolts for the third time. He's an Australian author. It's one of my top five novels of all time. The main theme of that book is the fear of mortality. It's the funniest book you will ever read. I laugh out loud by myself constantly reading it. And it's enormous. So it is your friend for a long time, which I really like. 

And then, because I just finished that one, I picked up The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. I've read it before, but I'm revisiting books I used to love. And I loved that book. So I haven't actually cracked the cover yet this time, but that's on my bedside table now to start reading. I always have too many books on the go at the same time. 

I'm reading The Enneagram of Belonging by Christopher Heuertz, which is fantastic for people moving through this transition into the second half of life. And I'm reading Carl Jung's The Red Book. It is unbelievable how that book has tracked the exact journey I've taken over the year that I've been reading it. 

If you were forced into a dance competition, what song would you dance to? And why?  

[Laughs] That's a really good question. Okay, the first one that came to mind is the song I almost did for the show Lip Sync Battle: Paradise by the Dashboard Lights by Meatloaf. [Laughs] It's so theatrical. So, you know, I can just flail my body around, which I love to do when I dance. But also, I can do an interpretive performance by acting out the scene of the movie — I mean, I'm an actress, I'm not a dancer. And the clothing I could wear! If I did it, I would dress on one side as the guy. And now on the other side, I'd be the girl. So I could flip sides. And I could lip sync the parts while I dance because it would really be more about the performance than the dance. 

That is so much more than I imagined. Thank you. 

[Laughs] You're welcome. 

Coffee or tea? 

Tea, for sure. All the way. 

Sunrise or sunset?

Sunrise. Easy. I love sunrise. 

Mountains or ocean? 


Dog or cat? 


How do you want to be remembered? At the end of it all, whenever that comes. How do you want your people to remember you? 

She made such a big difference in my life.



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